Products may be shipped from different manufacturers facilities or from our store depending on the products you select. Most orders are shipped by UPS Ground. You may request an upgrade shipping method of 3-Day, 2nd Day or Next day shipping for an additional cost. If you would like to upgrade your shipping, Please contact us and we will give you the upgrade shipping costs for your order. Returns and Refunds
Continental US Shipping Costs Table.
Ground Delivery Only
Total Order Shipping Charge
Up to 15.99 $4.95
$16 to 30.99 $5.95
$31 to 50.99 $7.50
$51 to 75.99 $9.95
$76 to 100.99 $12.50
$101 to 150.99 $15.00
$151 to 200.99 $18.50
$201 to 250.99 $22.00
$251 to 500.99 $30.00
$501 to 750.99 $50.00
$751 to 999.99 $75.00
$1000 and up $100.00
For your protection, credit card information used to make your purchase is NOT retained in our system. Please contact us with this information if credit is due to your account.
Due to the fact that most of our products are personalized all sales are final. We can not accept returns or offer refunds. Please research your purchase first by viewing a sample in person and asking any questions about the product before placing your order.